The Pope’s 60 Minutes Interview Sparks Outrage Among US Conservative


In a recent interview with 60 Minutes, Pope Francis opened up about his views on various social and political issues, causing a stir among American conservatives. While the Pope's message of compassion and tolerance resonates with many, others are questioning his progressive stance on hot-button topics.

One of the main points of contention from US conservatives was the Pope's stance on same-sex marriage. In the interview, he expressed his belief that homosexuals should be accepted with "respect, compassion, and sensitivity," a statement that has ignited backlash from those who believe marriage should only be between a man and a woman.

This has sparked a heated debate within conservative circles, with some labeling the Pope as "too liberal" and "out of touch" with traditional Catholic values.

The Pope's views on immigration also raised eyebrows among US conservatives. In the interview, he spoke out against the harsh treatment of migrants and refugees, urging countries to welcome and assist those in need. This has been met with criticism from some who argue that the Pope should focus on spiritual matters rather than political ones.

But it wasn't just the Pope's opinions on social issues that ruffled feathers. His call for greater financial transparency within the Catholic Church also drew ire from conservative circles. With his vow to clean up corruption and prioritize the poor, the Pope's actions have sparked concerns among some wealthy Catholics who fear losing their influence within the Church.

Despite the backlash, many are applauding the Pope's interview as a refreshing and much-needed perspective. His emphasis on humility, mercy, and inclusion has struck a chord with those seeking a more progressive and modern Catholic Church. This has led to a divide among US conservatives, with some questioning their loyalty to the Pope and others standing firm in their traditional beliefs.

As the controversy continues to unfold, the Pope remains steadfast in his message of love and unity. He has called for a more open dialogue and understanding among all individuals, regardless of their beliefs. While his progressive stance may have ruffled feathers among US conservatives, it has also sparked important conversations and debates about the role of the Catholic Church in today's society.

One thing is for certain, the Pope's 60 Minutes interview has shed light on the evolving views of the Catholic Church and has sparked a much-needed discussion about the role of religion in shaping social and political issues. Whether you agree or disagree with his statements, one thing is clear: the Pope's message is one of love and acceptance, and that is a message that transcends all boundaries.

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  1. When it is all over each of us will stand before their creator and answer for their deeds. What others do or say is not mine to answer. AMEN Peace be with you all!!!!!

  2. God is still on His throne ! God is sovereign, His word and absolute righteousness will never change ! Love and acceptance is one thing, but bending God’s written word to suite a demonic modern societies ungodly values is an abomination to God which has consequences of eternal damnation ! Any deviation from God’s word is demonic, deceitful, comes from false prophets and will send people to suffer eternal damnation without exception !

    This pope is, without doubt, a false prophet ! Far worse than Hell awaits all deceived by false doctrines ! Do not be deceived !

  3. This pope is not a Christian, he is a communist. He will destroy the Christian church if he is allowed. His same-sex marriage stance is against the family and against the biblical teaching.

  4. The Pope needs to be charged with going against the Bible Gods word. He’s de ur wing those of the Christian faith. He’s to be a leader not a man of destruction. I vote he gets fired.

  5. I love that The Pope is showing compassion, love, and inclusion for everyone on the planet. That is what God is all about. God is not about judgement, exclusion and denial. Remember…… love thy neighbor and do unto others.

  6. This Pope is not a man of God, he’s a Globalist Marxist devotee with extreme leftist views. He has an aura of evil surrounding him.

  7. THANOS 2024
    Were doomed as a nation and this dork wants to preach love and compassion while our streets are being over run, our children are being killed and raped and killed by drugs and disease… Not on my watch homie….I’m a firm believer that violence in some cases is the only answer.

  8. I knew immediately when he was selected as Pope that he was a communist as Jesuit from Argentina and the Catholic Church, and the world was in trouble from this demon man.

  9. Interesting that those that consider themselves “Christians” at this time in the world are the most critical and segregative of anyone. I guess Christ’s teaching of kindness and acceptance of everyone has been placed on the back burner when it comes to today’s new standards. A sad statement of why this world is being torn apart by religious zealots of all types. I guess there always needs to be someone on the bottom for others to step up.

  10. The Catholic Church/Pope has always been on the liberal side of things. But cornfed, you are right Pope needs a refresher course on the Bible.

  11. The man is a radical preacher from the days of the peron dictatorship. He was just a priest , with persons help through the he rose to become. A bishop a cardinal now pope! This is why I left the church because of people like this pope

  12. I’ll pray for the Pope’s quick replacement by someone who has read the Bible and hasn’t been afflicted by extreme liberalism.


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