Finnair’s Bold Move to Weigh Passengers Sparks Debate


In a move that has stirred considerable debate, Finnair has recently announced its decision to weigh passengers along with their carry-on luggage. This initiative, aimed at better estimating the plane's weight before take-off, has been met with mixed reactions from the public.

Finnair's decision is rooted in a commitment to safety and accuracy. The airline seeks to ensure that the data used for flight calculations is precise, as these figures are critical for the aircraft's performance. Päivyt Tallqvist, the communications director, emphasized the importance of having a strong safety culture within the organization. The voluntary weigh-ins, scheduled for February, April, and May, are part of this safety-first approach.

The airline has assured customers that privacy will be maintained during the process. According to Satu Munnukka, head of ground processes at Finnair, only the customer service agent at the measuring point will see the total weight. This assurance is intended to alleviate concerns about potential embarrassment or privacy violations.

However, the announcement has not been without controversy. Some social media users have expressed outrage, fearing that the policy could lead to fat-shaming and discomfort for overweight passengers. Critics have described the plan as "draconian" and an overreach by the "nanny state," while others have found humor in the situation.

Supporters of the initiative argue that it is a practical measure for addressing the obesity crisis and ensuring flight safety. They point out that no airplane has ever crashed due to overweight passengers, but accurate weight measurements are nonetheless essential for balancing the aircraft and ensuring safe transit.

It's worth noting that Finnair is not the first airline to undertake such measures. Korean Air previously announced similar weigh-ins for passengers on domestic and international flights. Moreover, incidents like the one involving an easyJet flight from Lanzarote to Liverpool, where passengers were asked to disembark due to weight limits, underscore the importance of accurate weight estimations for flight safety.

Public opinion on the matter is divided. Polls have shown varying levels of support for the idea of passengers paying more or less depending on their weight. While some see it as a fair adjustment, others view it as discriminatory.

As the debate continues, Finnair moves forward with its plan, hoping to enhance safety and efficiency. The airline's initiative may set a precedent for the industry, prompting a broader discussion on the balance between safety, privacy, and sensitivity towards passengers' concerns.


  1. This I required periodically to insure the “average” weight is correct. They are not looking for one person’s weight, but the TOTAL weight of all the passengers divided by the number of passengers. It has NOTHING to do with anyone’s rights, other than the right to stay alive.

  2. I think it is a good idea. I also think cargo should be inspected to make sure it’s secure. An accident of an airplane with four large military vehicles crashed. The back vehicle came loose. Rolled into the jack behind it which in turn broke the rear stabilizer lines. The plane lost control and crashed belly first. Killed everyone. A supervisor should double check stuff. In this case the manual had some questionable procedures.


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