White House Admits in Federal Court to Doctored Biden Speech Video


In a startling admission, the White House recently conceded in federal court that they altered a video of President Joe Biden. This revelation came during legal proceedings related to a case about social media content moderation, highlighting concerns about government transparency and media manipulation.

The doctored video in question featured President Biden appearing to speak clearly and coherently, but it was later revealed that his speech had been edited to correct verbal missteps. This manipulation aimed to present a more polished image of the president, a tactic that has raised significant ethical questions.

This case is part of a broader lawsuit involving the Biden administration's pressure on social media companies to manage content. Court documents and testimonies indicate that White House officials had frequently pushed platforms like Facebook and Twitter to remove or downgrade posts that they deemed problematic, even if those posts did not violate the platforms' rules.

The administration's actions, described as coercive by some, involved high-ranking officials, including Deputy Assistant to the President Rob Flaherty and members of the COVID-19 Response Team. They exerted considerable pressure on social media companies to act against what they considered misinformation, particularly around COVID-19 and election integrity.

The issue of manipulated videos is not new. Earlier, a manipulated clip showing Biden supposedly falling asleep during an interview circulated widely online. Fact-checkers later confirmed that the video was spliced together from different sources, demonstrating the extent of media manipulation in political contexts.

The White House's admission adds a new layer to the ongoing debate about government influence over social media. It underscores the tension between public officials' desire to control narratives and the platforms' roles as gatekeepers of information. This case, along with the broader scrutiny of the administration's tactics, could have lasting implications for how information is managed and perceived in the digital age.

Further complicating matters, this incident ties into the larger issue of how the government interacts with tech companies. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has noted that such interactions might have violated the First Amendment, as officials' demands could be seen as coercion, compelling companies to act against certain types of speech.

This revelation is particularly poignant given the current political climate, where trust in media and government institutions is precariously low. The acknowledgment of video manipulation by the White House may only exacerbate public skepticism about the authenticity of information disseminated by authorities.

The fallout from this admission is yet to be fully understood, but it undeniably raises critical questions about the integrity of information and the ethical boundaries of political communication. As the legal proceedings continue, the public and lawmakers alike will be watching closely to see how these revelations influence future policies on media and information management.

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  1. His Presidency is based on lies. Started way before Trump became President. Someday someone was going to expose the corruption. Government has been stealing from Americans for years. Trump did not have to become President. He was already rich. The minute he decided to run, Russian collusion, taxes, he is no good. Vote Democrat or this country will be run by a dictator. The Hunter laptop remarks were said to also be Russian disinformation. Both of these narratives were false. Hillary paid people to lie. As time went by, despite these remarks being false, they continued. Mainstream Media, also run by Democrats, pushed the Russian narrative. If you were a Democrat, watched Mainstream Media, and The View, over repeated news, now it has to be true. When things are repeated, no matter if they are false, will more than likely be believed. Same with Covid. Dr. Fauci, CDC, WHO all twisted the truth. WHO says it cannot be from China. CDC, with little help from Dr. Fauci, pushed the mask, distancing, and lockdown narrative. Trump was told by the so called experts, you cannot have a no travel ban to and from China. Cannot get a vaccine approved quickly. Both false. Intentionally said. Since regular people believe most news, Dr. Fauci, and CDC are experts. Most listened. Including myself. Then the lockdowns. Gyms, libraries, schools, colleges, businesses, mostly small. Stay home. How will the bills get paid? Send out a stimulus. Two weeks turned into longer. Then when schools began opening. Teachers did not want to go back. Got paid regardless. Finally, despite not being fact based. Kids were less likely to get virus. Masks at schools. Vaccines pushed. Even kids younger than five. Military. Anyone not taking one is dangerous. Cannot work, be in or join military. Bam! Then the CRT, DEI, and Woke was pushed. Police are racist after several incidents. Projected as many. The disinformation board. Oh yes! Cannot challenge the fake experts. Called dangerous if you challenge. Take out proven Invermectin and Hydrochlorequein. That cannot be said. Big Pharma will not make money. That is not right. How does this apply to this article? Well, Biden does not want to be seen as weak, wrong, and corrupt. Same with Dr. Fauci. Same with the government and Mainstream Media. So they combine to destroy those that challenge. This also included January 6. BLM and Antifa were supported for justifying controlled violence. It has to be the Police. White people are racist. MAGA are deplorables. Really. So people that tell people to help others, give money and time to homeless shelters, give food and a positive reminder that the homeless are loved, drive someone to work so they do not have to walk, see someone struggling, and help them get the help they need. Go to work for little or no money, live in their car, and manage to go to college, work two jobs, and barely have enough for food. Say positive things. So they support or vote for Trump. They are deplorable. No Hillary. You are the deplorable one that lied about Trump. Like Biden. Lies. Destroyed this country with words and actions. Yes those two go together. Democrats say everything is fine. It’s not. Trump did what he said. Wall, lower taxes, less crime, held China accountable, energy independence, go back to work and school despite virus. Be careful. Iran and North Korea were held in check. Trump visited North Korea. Trying to bring North and South together. No other President would. This was a long comment. The First News and NewsMax seem to only do fact checks. The others do not. Look it up before believing.


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