Axelrod Urges Biden to Reconsider 2024 Run Amid Party Concerns


Former Obama advisor David Axelrod has sent shockwaves through the Democratic Party by suggesting that President Joe Biden should reconsider his bid for re-election in 2024. This unexpected advice comes in light of dismal polling numbers and growing concerns about Biden's age and cognitive abilities.

Axelrod, a seasoned political strategist who played a pivotal role in Barack Obama's presidential victories, initially sparked controversy with a tweet that questioned the wisdom of Biden continuing his campaign. He highlighted a New York Times/Siena College poll showing Biden trailing significantly behind Donald Trump in key battleground states.

In the tweet, Axelrod stated, "Only @JoeBiden can make this decision. If he continues to run, he will be the nominee of the Democratic Party. What he needs to decide is whether that is wise; whether it's in HIS best interest or the country's." This comment was perceived by many as a clear nudge for Biden to step aside.

The backlash from Biden allies was swift, prompting Axelrod to clarify his remarks. He insisted that he was not explicitly calling for Biden to drop out but was simply urging a thoughtful consideration of the president's chances and the party's future. Axelrod remarked, "It's overreacting to say I told him to drop out," but the damage was done, and the speculation continued.

The controversy comes at a critical time for Biden, who has been struggling to reassure the public and his party of his capability to lead. During a recent press encounter, Biden was peppered with questions about his intentions to remain in the race. Displaying irritation, he declared, "I’m not going to drop out of the race," and emphasized that members of Congress were encouraging him to stay in.

Despite Biden's assertions, Axelrod's comments have amplified the existing doubts within the Democratic Party. Critics argue that Biden's age, combined with visible signs of cognitive decline, make him a liability in the upcoming election. Axelrod's warning reflects a broader concern that the party needs a candidate who can effectively counter Trump and resonate with voters.

The fallout from Axelrod's comments underscores the precarious position Biden finds himself in. While he remains defiant, the pressure from within his party is mounting. As the 2024 election approaches, the Democratic Party must grapple with the difficult decision of whether to rally behind their incumbent president or consider a new candidate to lead their ticket.

The debate over Biden's candidacy is likely to intensify in the coming months, with significant implications for the Democratic Party's strategy and prospects in the 2024 presidential race. Axelrod's intervention has undoubtedly stirred the pot, bringing to light the urgent need for a clear and confident path forward for the party.


  1. If they get him to quit, you can be sure Hillary will offer to take over! But with 4 months left, it’s probably to late! But you can be sure Hillary is salivating like a dog!


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