Corporations Trying to Outbid Our Children for Every Single Family Home?


A chilling warning from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has caught the attention of many. The renowned activist, environmental lawyer, and presidential candidate has sounded the alarm on a new trend that is causing concern among homeowners and potential buyers alike – corporations are buying up residential properties.

Kennedy warns that these corporations have deep pockets and are ready to outbid even the most eager and well-funded buyers, leaving ordinary families struggling to compete.

The news of corporations entering the housing market may come as a surprise to some, but Kennedy explains that this trend has been quietly gaining traction in recent years.

As real estate prices increase, corporations see an opportunity to make hefty profits by turning homes into rental properties. And with the pandemic causing a surge in demand for single-family homes, their efforts have only intensified.

But the consequences of this trend are far-reaching. As Kennedy points out, families who are unable to afford to purchase a home are forced into a lifetime of renting, with little hope of ever owning a property.

Moreover, the impact on local communities cannot be ignored. With corporations owning large numbers of homes in a neighborhood, the sense of community and ownership could diminish.This could have a ripple effect on local businesses, schools, and other vital institutions.

Kennedy is calling on lawmakers and citizens alike to take a stand against the corporatization of the housing market. He is urging legislation that will limit the number of homes a corporation can purchase in a specific area and promote policies that prioritize homeownership for families and individuals.

Kennedy warns that if we don't act now, it may be too late. As corporations continue to pour money into the housing market, they will have the upper hand, leaving some families at a disadvantage. (Others on the sale side may benefit however.)


  1. Heard Democrats and some Republicans are wanting to destroy the family unit. Already doing it with the transgender, Woke, CRT, DEI stuff. Bringing in illegal immigrants which stresses the housing market by increasing prices that few people may afford. All intentional by these Democracy seekers. Which is a big fat lie. They want everyone to bow down to their stupid ideas. Reject it. Pray in Jesus Name for the destruction of the devil’s work.


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