Gold Star Families Struggled to Bring Trump to Arlington: House Speaker Intervened


Gold Star families seeking to honor their fallen loved ones at Arlington National Cemetery faced unexpected resistance when they invited former President Donald Trump to participate in a ceremony marking the third anniversary of the deadly 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal. The controversy erupted after the families reportedly encountered pushback from cemetery officials, which required the intervention of House Speaker Mike Johnson to resolve.

The families of servicemembers killed in the chaotic Abbey Gate bombing, which claimed the lives of 13 U.S. troops, invited Trump to join them for a solemn wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington. However, cemetery officials initially declined to accommodate the event with Trump present. Gold Star parents, including Darin Hoover and Kelly Barnett, whose son Staff Sergeant Taylor Hoover died in the Kabul attack, expressed deep frustration. Arlington officials offered a specific time for the event that did not work for many families and outright denied Trump access to the gravesites​.

The families, distressed by the situation, reached out to Congressman Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. McCaul quickly contacted Speaker Johnson, asking him to intervene. Johnson and his team acted swiftly, eventually securing permission for Trump to attend the event. One source close to the matter reported that Arlington National Cemetery’s stance shifted only after Johnson's phone call, mere days before the ceremony​.

The incident left a bitter taste for many Gold Star families. Hoover, speaking with deep emotion, criticized the Biden administration for its perceived neglect, claiming they had received no contact from the White House in the three years since the withdrawal. “We invited President Trump because he stood by us from day one,” Hoover said, adding that the families wanted the former president to assist in honoring their fallen sons. Hoover also noted that Trump’s team had not approached the families for a photo-op, as some media outlets had insinuated, but rather the invitation came directly from the families themselves​.

Further complicating matters, Arlington officials allegedly misrepresented the wishes of the families, claiming they did not want media coverage at the gravesites. In contrast, the families had actually requested media coverage, provided by Trump’s team, to document the event respectfully. This contradiction fueled accusations that the cemetery was politically motivated in its decisions​.

House Speaker Mike Johnson played a crucial role in ensuring the event proceeded as planned. Gold Star families and Republican lawmakers alike expressed gratitude for his efforts. However, this episode left lingering questions about the politicization of sacred spaces like Arlington National Cemetery, especially when it comes to high-profile figures such as Trump​.

In response to inquiries from the media, the Biden administration distanced itself from the controversy, stating that the issue lay between Arlington and Trump’s team. The White House declined to comment further on why the Gold Star families encountered such resistance​.

This incident highlights the ongoing tensions between the Biden administration and the families of the Kabul bombing victims, with many still feeling abandoned three years after the tragedy. The emotional weight of the event, coupled with the bureaucratic hurdles the families faced, has further fueled criticism of how the government continues to handle the aftermath of the Afghanistan withdrawal.


  1. My grandmother was the first installed Gold Star Mother in Portsmouth NH. She rode in all the parades waving to all but especially loved it when me and my 3 younger sisters yelled out to het, Grammy! Grammy! My father had a Bell & Howell camera and later we converted the film to a VHS.I am nearing 73 and she passed when I was about 10. I never met my Uncle Bobby but I will never forget him. Reading this article I am infuriated with the disrespectful conduct of employees at Arlington National. They should be canned. If by chance they are active duty, they are not allowed to impose their stupidity and should be allowed to do KP for their totally unacceptable behavior for this solemn occasion.

  2. When you realize that the DEMONrats are anti American Marxists hell bent on destroying anything good in the USA you will be a conservative voter for life.


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