House Republicans Advance Noncitizen Voting Bill Amid Messaging Effort


House Republicans are pushing forward with legislation aimed at curbing noncitizen voting as part of their broader strategy to address foreign interference in U.S. elections. On May 23, 2024, the House Administration Committee passed two bills along party lines, signaling the GOP's focus on electoral integrity.

The first bill, introduced by Rep. Bryan Steil (R-Wis.), seeks to prohibit noncitizens from voting in federal elections. While noncitizen voting is already illegal in federal contests, this bill aims to tighten enforcement and ensure states cannot allow noncitizens to vote in any federal, state, or local elections held concurrently with federal elections. Steil emphasized that the legislation is necessary to protect the sanctity of U.S. elections and to prevent any form of foreign interference.

The second bill, championed by Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.), targets foreign influence in U.S. election processes.

This legislation would require states to verify the citizenship status of voters in federal elections and mandates regular audits of voter rolls to remove noncitizens. Davis argued that these measures are crucial for maintaining public confidence in the electoral system.

Democrats, however, have criticized these bills as unnecessary and politically motivated. Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) argued that the bills are redundant, given existing laws, and suggested they are part of a broader Republican effort to disenfranchise minority voters and sow doubt about election integrity.

Despite the partisan divide, these bills highlight the ongoing debate over election security and noncitizen voting. Republicans see these measures as vital for preventing election fraud and ensuring that only eligible voters participate in elections. Democrats, on the other hand, view them as attempts to suppress voter turnout and distract from more pressing electoral reforms.

As these bills move to the House floor, they are expected to face significant opposition from Democrats and civil rights groups.

The outcome of this legislative push will likely play a significant role in shaping the narrative around election integrity and voter suppression ahead of the 2024 elections.


  1. The dems will do anything to keep power. They are a regime a dictatorship. They think Trump will be a dictator but look at them they are doing what they say the right is doing. They think we are so stupid. If you don’t think Joe Biden is a dictator then you’re an idiot.

  2. The House has the majority. they should stop their in fighting & join together for the “common “ good, of
    We the people.

    They hold the “purse strings”

  3. The bill should provide funding for any illegals caught trying to vote, be immediately deported back to their country of citizenship.


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