Kamala Harris Poll Numbers Continue to Slide, Raising Concerns for 2024


Vice President Kamala Harris is facing troubling polling numbers as she inches closer to the 2024 election. Recent surveys indicate that her once tenuous lead over former President Donald Trump has evaporated, with Trump now gaining momentum in multiple national polls. According to a Harvard-Harris poll, Trump has overtaken Harris by a narrow margin of 47% to 46%​.

These polling shifts come after months of growing discontent with the Biden administration's handling of key issues such as inflation, immigration, and crime. As a result, Harris, the presumptive Democratic nominee following President Biden’s departure from the race, has struggled to solidify her position. A RealClearPolitics average shows her national lead slipping from 1.9 points just two weeks ago to a mere 1.3 points.

This is a critical shift in a race where polling differences of even one or two points can make all the difference in battleground states.

The New York Times/Siena poll further illustrates Harris's decline, showing Trump with a one-point lead, 48% to 47%.

Trump, who has faced a barrage of legal challenges and media scrutiny, appears to be gaining ground despite these controversies. His campaign, which has been more disciplined and focused than previous runs, seems to be resonating with voters fed up with the status quo. According to another McLaughlin & Associates poll, Trump leads Harris by two points, 49% to 47%​.

These results have alarmed Democratic strategists, especially as Harris struggles to define her policy platform. Critics argue that Harris’s campaign lacks substance and focus, with many accusing her of hiding from the media. Despite being the Vice President for nearly four years, Harris has failed to articulate clear policy positions, which is increasingly hurting her with key voting demographics.

Trump, on the other hand, has seen gains among key minority groups. He is currently polling at 14% with Black voters and 41% with Hispanic voters, numbers that far exceed his previous performances.

This shift, coupled with Harris's inability to effectively engage with voters, could spell trouble for the Democratic ticket in states like Florida, Arizona, and Georgia, where minority votes are crucial.

Adding to the concern is Harris's performance in swing states. Polling averages show her losing ground, with her narrow lead of 0.5 points in these crucial states now reduced to just 0.1 points​.

Given that Trump has historically outperformed poll expectations in the final weeks of his campaigns, these numbers suggest that Harris may face an uphill battle as November approaches.


  1. People are looking at the reality of every day life and they don’t like WHAT THEY SEE. HARRIS HASNT A CLUE AS TO HOW TO FIX AN ECONOMY IN FREE FALL. AND THUS HOW TO FIX THERISING PRICES FOR EVERY THING.

  2. Harris is simply not the best choice for President. Even if you don’t like what Trump says, he is the only real choice to be our President because Trump supports We The People and has proven it with his performance. Trump puts The People first and foremost. The Biden Harris has proven that they are more interested in illegals and obtaining illegal votes. Harris says she cares about women and children, yet they keep the borders open, all the while at the border drugs, diease, slavery, rape and murder is continually happenings by Illegals. If Harris cared about the welfare of American Citizens, she would have closed the borders, and not allow any illegal to vote. Harris is a lie.


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