Veterans Day vs. Memorial Day: The Squad’s Controversial Mix-Up Sparks Outrage


As the nation celebrates Veterans Day, a recent social media post by two members of the Squad, Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), has caused quite a stir. The now-deleted posts seem to confuse the two important holidays, raising questions about their knowledge and respect for our country's military heroes.

Memorial Day and Veterans Day are both national holidays that honor the sacrifices and service of our brave soldiers. However, they hold different meanings and are observed on different dates. Memorial Day, which falls on the last Monday of May, commemorates those who have died while serving in the military. On the other hand, Veterans Day, celebrated on November 11th, recognizes all members of the armed forces, both living and deceased.

In the now-deleted posts, Rep. Bush and Rep. Omar can be seen wishing their followers a "Happy Memorial Day" and thanking "veterans for their service." While these may seem like harmless mistakes, many were quick to point out the glaring error and call out the two progressive Congresswomen for their lack of knowledge about the holidays they were acknowledging.

This mix-up sparked outrage and criticism from both sides of the political spectrum. Many veterans and their families expressed their disappointment and anger towards the Squad members, questioning their understanding of the sacrifices made by our military men and women. Some even accused them of using the holiday for their own political agenda.

This is not the first time the Squad has been involved in controversial issues. The group, which consists of progressive Congresswomen including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley, has been known for their vocal and sometimes divisive opinions. However, this latest incident has raised concerns about their ability to represent and unite the American people.

While Rep. Bush and Rep. Omar have yet to address the controversy, their posts have been widely shared and discussed on social media, reigniting the debate on the importance of understanding and respecting our country's holidays. Some have argued that this mistake is a reflection of a larger issue within our society, where many have become disconnected from the true meanings behind these holidays.

As we honor and remember our veterans on this special day, let us also take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices they have made and the values they have fought for.

Let us not forget the true meanings behind Memorial Day and Veterans Day, and ensure that they are always celebrated with the utmost respect and understanding. And as for the Squad, let this be a lesson to all of us that words hold great power, and it is our responsibility to use them wisely.

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  1. Ummm…the first line of this article starts with, “As the nation celebrates Veteran’s Day.” WE ARE CLEBRATING MEMORIAL DAY! What’s f-cked up is the article is about idiot dems confusing the two holidays. REALLY NICE, GUYS! REALLY NICE! Jeeze.

  2. Gives ANOTHER telling FACT as well…Since 1992there has been NO veteran in the MAIN(presidential) executive chair …Now Al Gore was the LAST VICE PRESIDENT …
    The savage demonization of John McCain ,Lloyd Benson,Max Cleland ,John Kerry ,and other VETERANS,clearly HISTORICALLY point this out …

    Think about it …Someone on Their BEST DAY who seeks to serve in the lucrative positions in Government ,…BUT who seemingly had real LOYALTY problems when it came to putting their PERSONAL self on the line(VIA ACTIVE MILITARY SERVICE ) for this NATIONS defense, a few years,out of their oh so important lives ,who THEN turn around and see NOTHING wrong in trying to destroy those who have serviced ,SOMETHING THAT they WOULD NEVER DO(lip service about how they would have had the circumstances been different somehow DON’T COUNT),would get such special days days mixed up ….They have NO DAWG(dog) in the hunt …..It is just an event that is good photo op fund raising event ,for such charactors ,NOTHING MORE!


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